Lieutenant JG Anson Bryant

Name Anson Zane Bryant

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0 Feet
Weight 185 Pounds
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Anson is five feet and seven inches tall. He is right hand dominant, and has no scars or tattoos and is in good physical shape.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Michael Wayne Bryant
Mother Rita Lee Bryant
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Anson is a bit of a know it all, that loves to show everyone how smart he is. He is open to new ideas, as long as they are intelligent. He has the personality of work hard and play hard. And chasing after the ladies. He can be a nice guy, but typically he wants something from you.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Anson looks to take on new risks, not in only his personal life but professionally as well. He is always willing to take risk, or try something new. He is very ambitious. His desire to see the job though is a commitment to his level of commitment and dedication to his job.

Anson can be rough around the edges, but if he needs something from you, he can be very charming and sweet talking. Despite the fact he hardly shows it, Anson is very loyal to those he works with.

Anson is very cooperative, and loves working for the common good. He is goal oriented, and very devoted to his duty, to his crew and to those he loves.


Even though Anson is open to changing things in his professional career, he is very fixed and determined about his personal life, he can not stand it when people offer to help him improve his personal life. Anson is not a fan of counselors.

Anson can be rude and straight to the point with anyone he talks too. He hates small chat. If he is not trying to get down you're pants, or sharing a beer with you. He feels that you are wasting his time. He prefers to be hitting on the ladies after hours, or playing billiards.

Anson can be a little petty, especially on the little things. He is not a fan of small talk, or any other subtle things or time filler activities. He works hard, and he plays hard. And he loves that mentality.

Anson often feels like he is the most intelligent man in the room, which makes him ignorant and naive. It also makes him very sanctimonious. He does not try to be a jerk, he just does not like petty chats, or having to dumb things down to make others understand. He has no patience for that. Anson is very vindictive, and has no problem showing you how vindictive he can be.

Ambitions To have everyone realize his greatness.
Hobbies & Interests Interests: Art, reading, sports, outdoors, collecting and Animals.

Hobbies: Martial Arts, Billiards, Poker, Gambling, Fishing, Surfing, Dancing, Swimming and Camping.

Personal History Childhood:

Anson was raised in Corpus Christi Texas. He was born on May 14, 23XX to Michael and Rita Bryant. He is a single child, and thinks he is owed everything. His parents spoiled him a little to much. He had an uneventful childhood, whiched fueled his anger.

He felt that he was destined for greatness, he hated being the smartest kid in his class. He was felt that he needed to escape. Anson had a hard time making meaningful long term relationships. He was to busy with the hear and now to worry about long term friendships. He was living Corpus Christie, and no one was going to stop him.

As soon as Anson graduated high school, he immediately applied to join starfleet academy, despite his bad attitude, he was accepted to the academy to become a starfleet officer.

Academy Days:

The academic side of the academy was easy. But the social aspect was tiresome, and hated and resented helping his lower classmates. His instructors forced him, to assist his under classmates, saying it would it be good social skill practice for him.

Anson decided given his lack of patience for idiots, that he would prefer to work alone, he joined Starship Operations. His professors wanted him to be an engineer, but he held his ground. And continued in starship operations.

Anson ranked first in his class, and wondered if he deserved it. No one came close to taking first from him. He hoped Starfleet had some good operation or engineers in the fleet. After completing the academy he was assigned to the USS Frontier.

USS Frontier:

Anson was upset that his professor pulled a few strings and made sure that Anson was not given a department head out of the academy. Anson filled grievance against instructor, and was assigned to the USS Frontier as Assistant Chief Operations Officer. He had the grades, and some of his underclassmen, were given department lead positions.

Anson started his career, and quickly proved he was was the smartest man on the USS Frontier, and worked on trying to get himself promoted to chief of his own department, he applied openly, to every opening he could find.

Anson won his grievance, and due to his time in service, was offered Chief Operations Officer of the USS Axca. Which only went to stroke his ego more. His professor, was trying to teach him humility. But he hoped that Anson’s new captain, could teach him.
Service Record 2395 - Present

USS Axca - Chief Operations Officer

2394 - 2395

USS Frontier - Assistant Chief Operations Officer

2391 - 2394

Starfleet Academy - Starship Operations Cadet